According to my scale I've lost 5 lbs. Woo!

I've refocused my attention on the reasons I'm losing, rather than just obsessing about what is on the scale. Some of the reasons are:
- I want to be healthy for my son so I can see him grow & keep up with him now.
- I want to avoid the imminent health issues if I stay heavy. Diabetes & heart disease run in my family.
- I like the way I feel when I eat well. I actually feel better. Plus, I love feeding my family good food vs. fast food/junk.
As I type this I'm fairly certain I've touched on these goals/reasons before, but it's important to recap & remind myself.
I signed up for my 2nd Bountiful Basket & I'm excited to see what's inside. I still have some fruit & a few veggies left from the one I got Saturday but the corn is all gone. I love this program! I went to Trader Joe's last night to pick up some protein to go with my veggies: salmon, chicken sausage/brats, chicken breasts, turkey burgers. I've rekindled my love for cooking, me thinks.
I guess I should get back to work. Have a great day everyone!
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